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We went on a tour of the old city of Panama.

We thought we would have a chance to mingle with the locals there.

They weren't exactly the most talkative bunch though

But there were plenty of them.

I guess it must be some kinda social club like the YMCA there.

Just another happy Panamanian face.

Yep, everywhere you turned, but where are the civilians?

Hey there's a couple of happy faces!
The remains of the Fort's wall and town square that was the original city

This is the "Golden Church" The altar is pure gold, but to keep from being plundered by pirates, for many years everything was covered in a layer of mud so it would appear that they were poor.

This archway was built as a symbol of unity, and lasted for over 2 centuries. However a few years ago they had a Rock concert here and the vibrations crumbled it. They rebuilt it with the old stone.

SOME Food is VERY cheap here.
We were shocked to find the exchange rate was 521 Colones per $1US.
Beers varied from 500-800 Colones However later in the week I paid over 8,000 for a shrimp cocktail at a place where Bob had "Neanderthal Steak" for only 7,200.

This guy was making fresh snow cones on the street. It was the 1st refreshments we came to. Several people indulged, but I reminded them about the warning regarding ICE in your drinks.

Through this area there were several vendors of souvenirs and MOLAS fron San Blas. But, the big bargain were folding Panama hats for $5,000 Colones (Under $10). A dozen or so of us bought them, only to find them at triple the price at the Canal Museum.
The 1st restroom, and more important beerstop were here in the Casablanca
But you did have to ask permission first.

Note the everpresent yet somehow decorative bars on all doors and lower windows. At least in this area they HAD windows and doors. Many were just boarded shut. I cannot however explain the object sticking off the balcony next door.

Ahh.... Here are La Gente! This is a much more modern area

On to the Panama Canal Museum

At this point there are no more photos since I had to change my focus. As is the way my life typically works, We stopped at a mall. Several people were disappointed, and wanted to return to the ship. I on the other hand saw it as an opportunity to get some much needed supplies. The mall was several blocks square, and the tour operator warned everyone to memorize which animal sculptures were at the intersections to find your way back. I entered through a store something like Macy's called Collins. I quickly made my purchases and had plenty of time, so I decided to cheer up the unhappy passengers with some Balboa beers. I returned to the store that I had entered through where the bus was parked. Security grabbed me and we had an immediate failure to communicate. Help was there in an instant. Uhh... for HIM not me. They made me go to the entrance of the store where the head of security was. SEŅOR! You cannot bring that bag through this store. "What? My tour bus is just outside your door over there." You must leave that bag here if you want to go through here. We have trouble with shoplifting and you did not buy that here. "But my bus will be leaving soon, you can follow me to the door." NO SEŅOR! You must leave that here."

CRAP! All right then how in the hell do I get out of this place?" He pointed back the way I came and said turn right and there is a door. You can go out that way. OK, path of least resistance........ I figured it was just around the corner, so how bad could it be? Problem is that in Ralph's world, it's never easy. There was an expansion project going on, and I couldn't get through the construction site that was a couple blocks around. By the time I got back to the parking lot, naturally the bus was GONE!

OK don't be a dinosaur! Remain calm and just adapt. Remember New York? Take a deep breath, and don't think about the glee in Capt. Casey's eyes when he gets to leave a passenger behind!

Just Gotta try to figure out where the ship is moored at and find a taxi that can locate it right?
RUH RO!!!!!!
Usted Habla Ingles? Uhhhh Usted???? USTED?
I recalled Capt. Neil looking for directions on the island of Guadeloupe saying

Ok......... Time for the High school Spanish. Hmmm............ Let's see....
Ayudarme... help me.
Busco.... Searching for.
Puerta ... port.
con.... with.
quatro..... four.
Uh-OH mastos I guess.
Hey they're Taxi drivers and probably used to dumb Americans........ Or not. 20 minutes of misunderstanding each other,drawing pictures, and him asking 3 different people if THEY could speak English before we began to move in the right direction. I began to see things the tourguide had pointed out that morning. "Que bueno! Conoce" I would point and say as I saw familiar things. Course that means "How good! It knows" The word that seemed to work was "cruiseship". This got us surprisingly close, but not home. At this point I'm kicking myself for not having paid more attention to my departure point like I normally do. Hey why worry? I'm traveling with a hundred people instead of being on my own this time. What the hell can happen? Now I know! Well he brings me up to a Celebrity or Carnival compound, and I tell him no! Busco un POQUITO barco.... I'm looking for a SMALL boat. Con quatro mastos (damnit what word could that be?). He flips a U-turn and pulls up in front of 2 guys. They came over, and I went back through my totally LAME Spanish description of where I was trying to get to. After I finished, he calmly said " I speak English. Where are you trying to go?


I have since, taken a pre-emptive move to prevent this from ever occuring again. Cases of

are being shipped to any location I will be sailing to in the future.

On the Ship!
San Blas Islands
Panama Canal
Panama City
Costa Rica Map. Click the lower right corner to magnify.
Iguana Island
Coiba/ Granito de Oro
Isla des Secas
Herradura/San Jose
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