IN TRUE WINDJAMMER FASHION, WE LANDED AND SACKED THE PLACE!Hmmm... did the Mandalay pass this way before, or is this a warning to people staying at the resort about being so close to the water and potential Piratin'??
Jim, Terry and I were the 1st to arrive.
We made contact with the resort, and although Capt. Fernando had told us we could use the place for $25/day
The management insisted on $54. We discussed the situation with them for about 20 min. before they relented. Ukelele Jim, the accountant explained 100 of our friends were about to arrive and argue the same thing so did he want us there or not? As it turned out there were fewer than a dozen other people onsite so THE PIRATES PREVAILED
Our CHIEF NEGOTIATOR fully understood the term "open bar" and immediately
established party central.
Well, he wasn't an official Cabanaboy, but he was a boy, and he did try hard.
I may appear concerned about being replaced, although I know I'll always be needed..... as long as I carry a bottle opener, that is.
We only had 1 bartender, so we kept her constantly moving. We tipped heavily for her services, BUT I'm willing to bet she was glad to see us GO AWAY! Let the drinking contest begin! But... HMMM...Decisions... Decisions! A drink menu in English would have helped. Especially if it was DRY.
Solving the Issues of the day!
Like which drink to try next?
WOW! HONDO'S AWAKE!! Those who weren't already dead drunk played a little Volleyball.
After a while we began dropping like flies.
Others however, merely hoisted another round to respectfully toast their passing..........(out)!
Water aerobics anyone?. Do you "dip"?
Some were just collecting "evidence"! But Christian was contributing to the deliquency of a monkey.
While Lori was about to lose her shirt... UH HAT!
Now Carole Ann, may have tempted the little guys a bit too much... EDITED FOR CONTENT