The safety of players, patrons,and employees must be considered
first and foremost.
1. Non-sportsman like conduct will not be tolerated and could result in
the expulsion of a player from the bar and/or league.
2. All players should respect the policies of the Hosting bar.
3. Food, T-shirts and other incentives are at the discretion of each
bar. Half time drinks will be provided according to Hosting bar policy.
4. Conflicts must be resolved by the Team Captains the night of the
game in a friendly and sportsman like manner.
5. A match is comprised of three sets of five games played by two
6. Team captains must keep scores and statistics. A copy of the
score sheet must be turned in to the Hosting bar by the Home team
Captains each night of play.
7. Hosting bar may substitute an on-duty bartender in the event of a
missing player, per bartender discretion. (Only one bartender per
match may be substituted).
8. Bar Owners and Bar Managers may be substituted in the event of
a missing player either Home or Away, per their discretion. (Only one
owner or manager per match may be substituted)