This is CLAIRE the divemate on the Windjammer ship Mandalay, without whose intervention, I would have missed diving this
wreck for the 3rd time in a row.


We dove with Blue Water Divers. 
Although I would have prefered
fewer divers, they were very organized and informative.

The current was quite strong here and we had to stay
stuck on the bottom or risk being blown away until we finally
moved into the protection of the lee side of the wreck.

The hold was massive once you got through the hole, and there was a lot to see.
I was hesitatant to enter due to the size of my camera arms. After the
Divemaster shook his finger at me and dragged me in, he made me take a "time out"
in the vessel for not following him in there.

It was spectacular on the inside, but also very dark without a flashlight.
Since my camera is so big, I couldn't use my own, so I was relying on the light of others.!

In the movie "the Deep" these are from inside and outside the hole that Jacqueline Bisset
grabbed Nick Nolte's fin and scared the crap out of him.

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