We stayed at the Sterling Inn Jan. 2006
The plan was to go Cross Country Skiing in the Poconos. They are known for the Alpine skiing around the Camelback area, so we figured the XC would be good as well. Unfortunatelly there was almost no snow. It made driving easy, but if it wasn't for a few flurries the night we got there this would have been a hiking trip.
We got lessons here where there was about 4 inches. We had to keep moving around as any more than 5 trips across, and the snow would be down to the grass.

It was obviously cold enough there since this lake was frozen. I certainly would not have ventured out onto the ice though.

That night we were treated to a full moon with clear skies.
Deer wandered through just a little way from our party.
Later they made a big fire, and sang songs. Kinda like summer camp, except we had hot mulled wine instead of chocolate. No s'mores though. DARN!

They had a sign touting all the different coffees here at Mose's Deli. We decided to stop in for a couple cups on the road. As the mascot shows, it was all BULL. There were a dozen carafes with signs showing different flavors, but every single one was empty.
Aug. 2007 we went back to Lehigh Valley
It's about 50 mi. away from Sterling, although it is ALL very beautiful here. The trees were much greener in the late summer,and the weather cooperated nicely.

It took us 3 days to find the elusive Hawk falls, but it was worth it. It is so peaceful there listening to the water.
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