Mystic Connecticut
The car Ferry from Orient Point on Long Island takes about 1½ hours.
The weather was not very good on the way over,

but cleared up by the time we got to Mohegan Hotel & Casino.
There is a very cool waterfall inside.

And fireworks galore!

Next day on to the town of Mystic. The traffic is tough here due to the drawbridge.

The Schooners Ariga and Amistad returning from a daysail.

I took back my "combination" pizza that looked like just a plain cheese one. "You've never been here before have you?"
she replied. OK, so I never had a pizza where all the toppings were underneath the cheese. Who knew? 

Ahhhhh!!! The ONLY way to be in a rowboat!

This the Amistad from the movie of the same name.

Rachel Ray sent us here, but they weren't serving 1 OZ. shots of ale anymore.
I think I scared the waitress when I asked about it too.
And you thought Windjammer cabins were small?