The Polynesia under the arm of Jost Van Dyke

That is the Island of Tortola in the background
This is the Soggy Dollar Bar where we landed.
There is no dock so they named the bar for the typically wet money.
As this is a British island, I wonder why it isn't called the Soggy Pound?
It was too crowded with shipmates to get served, so I went down the beach. As I neared the far end I spotted a sign in the brush

This beach bar is covered in shells.
I had trouble ordering warm beer here. First off it is an Honor bar where you make your own drinks and put money in the bucket on the bar. Not knowing this coupled with no voice made it hard to get a drink. When I found him, the bartender couldn't read my note and didn't believe what I was asking for.

Fortunately there were some British people camping behind the place that rendered aid. They read my note and asked if I was English or German as I was asking for warm beer. They soon understood my condition and ordered for me. The bartender still not believing it, kept shaking his head and repeating "HOT Beer?" He went behind the building to where he had cases of Red Stripe stacked. He brought back beers that were over 100º from sitting in the sun all day. I had to dip the bottle in the ocean to cool it enough to drink. To this day Red Stripe has a special place in my heart.
We moved the ship and ended the night at the World Famous
Foxy's. They have one of the largest New Year's parties in the world. This cove gets
packed with boats.
They had a French band there that was doing Karaoke.