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Security nearly arrested me for taking this picture from the tarmac!

Overlooking the Carenage in St. Georges.
SEE! Everyone wants to hang with us!
Our view was AWESOME!
The hike up was a cardiac stress test though! Thank God they had beer in our room's honor bar. Too bad there was no COFFEE!
Just chill-laxin in the bar.

Even though you can see the huricane damage, the houses are still happy
We Went cruising the island with Mandoo, and met up with "loverboy" at Grand Etang.
The lake at Grand Etang.
Farming is a little tough here.

A dip in this pool is supposed to take 10 years off your life.
I jumped in 5 times hoping to be young enough to breastfeed again, but got
Who let the white whale in the pool?
I guess there is crime everywhere.
Better to take bananas than a life though.
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This Web page was last modified on march 11 2006.
By Me!