This was my
first shore excursion. I caught
a terrible cold and much to my shipmate's delight, lost my voice.
I had to pass Captain Casey a note about finding a doctor.
As I waited for the Physician, I couldn't help but notice
how many chickens they had in the yard and wondered if one
would have to give up its life for me. Happily, when
I got into the Doctor's office, I saw his Diploma from MICHIGAN on the wall!
The only issue I had, was that he told me NO SPIRITS!
Beer or wine was OK, but absolutely nothing COLD.
Ever intentionally drink a Warm Carib?
NO photos can adequately show how truly beautiful this area is!

To me it was reminiscent of the Lake Tahoe area, with salt water

Too bad I spent all my time at the Doctor's office and only had time to run down the trail grab a beer and head back.
My second trip was about the same except it was my girlfriend who had an ear infection from Scuba Diving. At least I knew a safe place to take her.

Some people just KNOW how to have Fun, Don't they?