Upstate New York

It began sipping Champagne listening to a band on Long Beach

Upstate New York was far more lush and beautiful than I expected.

Beautiful Waterfalls, and Tubing in Phoenicia on the Esopus river. The water was cold, but refreshing due to the heat. It was also quite low, so I made good use of the wooden bottom as I scraped along the rocks.

The Ice Caves have a permanent formation inside that has been used for thousnds of years.

It was quite a strenuous hike down a steep and rocky trail through a verdant forest.

It was very hot, and humid, but every now and then you would pass by a crack in the stone that had VERY cold air blowing out. This kept us going!
Finally we reached the Entrance!

Ok, HERE is the Door!

It was SOOoo nice to get in out of the heat!


We had hiked nearly 2 miles down the rocky trail, to get to the entrance of the Ice Cave, but had gained altitude inside. The signs pointed back the way we came, but fortunatelly through the use of GPS, I discovered this ranger's trail in the underbrush. It was about 300 yards from where we had originally left the fire road.

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