The Wheelhouse of the Polynesia

Of Course, He personally "aquired" the appropriate decor.
Tony is master of all things Knotty,
as well as the Pans!
AND he can Drive!

The crew are so much like family you just seem to blend in!
By: Marilyn Livingston
S/V Polynesia Passenger
May 16-22, 2004
The sound and feel of "Amazing Grace"
As the beautiful sails go into place
The wind in your hair -
Salt mist in the air
Plentiful food, drink and conversation -
Fun activities, dancing and celebration
Cabins quite small and cozy, but sufficient -
"Heads" that give new meaning to the word "efficient"
Captain Casey's interesting stories and reflections -
Second only to his great skills, leadership and perfection
Officers and crew working hard to ensure
That we travel safely and enjoy our "tour"
Rum swizzles galore -
Interesting ports to explore
Launches to take us to and fro
Most anytime we want to go
New friends and new places -
Never-ending smiling faces
The best of all my vacation planning
Was the cruise that I took Windjamming.