Julian knew he was in for trouble when he saw Jersey Jerry, Jan,
Lynda, Tigger, Vinceygirl, Not Sirius and Badgirl#1inaz all coming aboard together After a trip with Shal!.

1st day, the Unicorn (or "The Interceptor" as it was known in "The Pirates Of The Caribbean") snuck up
and caught us with our Cannon stowed during Storytime in Rodney Bay! It was embarassing not to return fire.

She sailed away without a FULL OR EVEN A BLACK MOON

But the Foo-Foo didn't get away!
Although the Cannon's jammed, Captain Sly still put some rounds into her.

Unfortunatelly it didn't sink and it belched out 300 rude passengers that blanketed the 100 yds of beach on Tobago Keys
Fire Ants would have been less anoying!
Back in Castries harbor St. Lucia AT THE FOO-FOO DOCK!