Hawaii, Hawaii
We had a great room at the Kona Surf Resort.
At night they have searchlights from the Nalu Terrace bar that shine into the water.
This attracts the plankton, which attracts the MANTA RAYS, which attracts the divers.
We dove with Kamehameha dive shop. Richard and Liz Ironically originally lived
about 25 miles from our home in Calilfornia. Liz is a 49er faithful, so my shirt gave us away!
Warren was the BEST divemaster. He eventually opened ECODIVERS.
There is a great snorkeling area across the bay from the Captain Cook memorial that is free.
All the snorkel boats go to the memorial, but you can get to the other side of the bay where there
are no crowds.
There is a small local beach and snack bar. Drive on SR 11 to the town of Captain Cook, turn off west and go past the coffee plantations to a place called Napoopoo.
The reef begins about 10 yards N. of the beach and continues all the way to the memorial.

Can you find the frogfish?
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